SMPTE Time Calculator Home Page


Thank you for your interest in the SMPTE Time Calculator!

SCalc is a time calculator supporting:

cyan_diamond.gif (864 bytes) Standard time (no frames per second)
cyan_diamond.gif (864 bytes) SMPTE Non-Drop
cyan_diamond.gif (864 bytes) SMPTE Drop-Frame (disabled at this time)
cyan_diamond.gif (864 bytes) Any number of frames per second (non-drop)
cyan_diamond.gif (864 bytes) "Paper" print out.

SCalc is "e-mailware." It's free! All I ask is that you send me some e-mail and tell me what you think!

NOTE:  SMPTE Drop-Frame calculations were disabled because of some bugs.  There are some other problems here and there.  Rather than patch and gold-plate, I've decided to completely redesign the calculator from the ground up.  Check back here soon for a new version!

Download SMPTE Time Calculator Version 2.5ax (last updated 2/10/98).

Submit comments, bug reports, suggestions, etc.

Send e-mail to Andrew.